
Developmental Relationships Matter

Are you ready to learn how to help young people learn, grow, and become their best selves?

When young people are challenged and nurtured by the adults in their lives, they grow up to be thriving members of resilient communities.

Search_Institute_Developmental-Relationships_Cover-510x660But not all young people are experiencing what we call developmental relationships in their schools, programs, and families. Our free ebook provides a comprehensive and practical guide to Search Institute's developmental relationships framework,  five key elements —with 20 specific actions — that make up developmental relationships. It shows how schools, out-of-school-time (OST) programs and communities are creating  a strong web of relationships that increase academic growth and learning, further social-emotional growth, and reduce engagement in high-risk behaviors. Download Developmental Relationships Help Young People Thrive today to get started on this rewarding journey.