What Does It Take to Build a Relationship-Rich Organization?

We want to share our findings with you.

We know you care about young people and want to do whatever it takes to create an environment where staff, leaders, and peers are building the developmental relationships that help young people learn, grow, and thrive. 

Download-Relationship-Rich-Organization-Briefs_COVER-510x660 (1)Our State of Relationships case study in Minnesota provides a snapshot of what school and out-of-school (OST) programs are doing to prioritize relationship building. 

We've created a set of briefs based on the data from our study. 

  1. Supporting Structures. What are the supporting structures that prioritize and make space for relationship-building?
  2. Intentional Relational Climate. How do we close the gap between what young people experience and what they need?
  3. Inclusive Relational Climate. How do we create an inclusive climate that prioritizes young people's need to feel seen and welcome?
  4. Equitable Relational Climate. How do relationship‑rich organizations center and nurture equity in their relationship‑building work?

Download these briefs today to continue your rewarding journey to creating a relationship‑rich organization.